什麼是形而上學?What is Metaphysics ?
When thinking of metaphysics, many people think of the occult or the devil, or they may conjure up a mental image of whacky New Agers on the fringe of reality touting their latest blend of “snake oil,” or witches and warlocks casting spells as they dance naked around an open fire. While there will always be those on the fringe of any human endeavor, metaphysics in general has nothing to do with the foregoing description.
Metaphysics is actually the scientific study of consciousness, existence, and reality. It explores and endeavors to answer the "Why?" question about who we are, where we came from, and how we fit into the Grand Scheme of things. Anytime a person asks about the nature of how something works, he or she is delving into the realm of metaphysics.
Metaphysics has been around since the dawn of humanity and covers a wide field of study including everything from theoretical mathematics to physics to cosmology to psychic phenomena. Metaphysics is a valid field of study both in and outside of the scientific community. Many Metaphysicists or Metaphysicians practice varied forms of metaphysics such as hypnosis, alternative healing, spiritual counseling, life-coaching, psychic readings, paranormal research, and many others that have a compelling basis in reality. Every religion is also metaphysical in nature; but rather than a religion itself, metaphysics is more about how we view and seek to understand the Cosmos.