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Metaphysics is actually the scientific study of consciousness, existence, and reality. It explores and endeavors to answer the "Why?" question about who we are, where we came from, and how we fit into the Grand Scheme of things. Anytime a person asks about the nature of how something works, he or she is delving into the realm of metaphysics.

Metaphysics has been around since the dawn of humanity and covers a wide field of study including everything from theoretical mathematics to physics to cosmology to psychic phenomena. Metaphysics is a valid field of study both in and outside of the scientific community. Many Metaphysicists or Metaphysicians practice varied forms of metaphysics such as hypnosis, alternative healing, spiritual counseling, life-coaching, psychic readings, paranormal research, and many others that have a compelling basis in reality. Every religion is also metaphysical in nature; but rather than a religion itself, metaphysics is more about how we view and seek to understand the Cosmos.
和諧粉彩源自日本,由細谷典克(Hosoya Norikatsu)先生於2003年創立的一門大衆藝術。「Nagomi」在日文的漢字中解作「和」,有著和諧的意思,細谷典克先生希望給予希望的一種療癒及希望的藝術,無論是任何年紀、有沒有繪畫經驗、不用太多工具也能做出漂亮的畫作。


對客戶進行教育, 以評估他們的生活方式選擇,並確定和改變可能導致生活不良的任何原因。
創造 健康的生活環境,開展教育活動和示範,並支持客戶實現其個人健康目標。
而認證精神諮詢師是指導個人邁向情感康復和精神成長的道路。人們常常在尋找生活中的意義或目的,或者他們可能正在面對挑戰或障礙。 成為精神顧問他們可能正在學習如何處理痛苦和悲傷的問題。人們在精神生活中採取了許多不同的途徑,因此輔導員在融入實踐中的靈性形式也各不相同。這些制度的範圍從猶太教和基督教到伊斯蘭教和佛教。一些屬靈的輔導員在方法上並不那麼正統。取而代之的是,他們可以從更普遍,更非宗派的角度進行治療。精通專業的精神諮詢師通常表現出以下特徵:善於傾聽;富有同情心; 關懷; 有見地; “精神上的專一”等等。 精神諮詢師還可以靈活地將其他諮詢方式整合到他們的實踐中。“精神顧問”是一個通常用於包含廣泛觀點的術語。它可能包含正統觀念,宗教觀點,或者更傾向於神秘主義,新時代或美洲印第安人的信仰。精神諮詢師可能會也可能不會畢業。精神輔導員可能來自與傳統輔導培訓不同的背景。

Metaphysical Humanism is simply our term for the study of metaphysics focused on understanding and enhancing the human condition and all that it encompasses. Unlike the two extremes of typical Secular Humanism vs. religion in general, it takes a meaningful, practical, and rational approach to metaphysics devoid of rigid, superstitious, mythical, and ungrounded beliefs that rely on aberrational faith to accept. Metaphysical Humanism is about exploring, understanding, and enhancing the human condition in a variety of ways; it’s about empowering the human spirit; and it’s about discovering the true nature of our existence in relation to all that is.

Through our educational programs, we believe in teaching meaningful metaphysical principles that serve to help people lead more successful and fulfilling lives, and who, in turn, use these principles to help others. Perhaps the greatest and most encouraging common denominator of those interested in metaphysics is that they have a deep desire to help raise the level of human consciousness in positive ways. They believe in the premise that if each person has a positive effect on those within his or her sphere of influence, the entire world benefits. We applaud all those who would join us in this growing field of study because with many, we have a better chance of learning what life is truly all about!